A Film About Everyday Miracles at the End of Life with Mike Kravinsky

Learn about a feature film that traces the story of a family’s conflict and ultimate resolution as their father reaches the end of life.

What People Actually Say Before They Die

Insights into the little-studied realm of last words.

Cannabis in hospice growing demand and acceptance for end-of-life care – Forbes 6/25/19

A new study finds hospice professionals overwhelmingly support using medical cannabis for hospice patients.

Self-Care for Caregivers – Ann Ming Yeh

Dr. Ann Ming Yeh is an Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University in Pediatric Gastroenterology and practices at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and California Pacific Medical Center.

Pain and Symptom Management and use of Methadone – Stefan Joerg Friedrichsdorf

Stefan Friedrichsdorf is the medical director of the Department of Pain Medicine, Palliative Care and Integrative Medicine at Children’s Minnesota, Minneapolis / St. Paul, one of the largest and most comprehensive programs of its kind in the country.

Ecstatic Breathwork with Scott Schwenk

Learn how to use breathwork to clear blocks and upgrade your inner state.

Sedona Retreat, Oct 31-Nov 4, 2019 Enchantment Resort

An Intimate Journey Guided by Master Spiritual Teachers in Sedona’s Transformative Vortex Power & Healing Energy.


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When to Tell the Children: Preparing Children for the Death of Someone Close to Them

Many families are pleasantly surprised to find that children tend to resume their regular activities and interests quite quickly after learning a parent or sibling may die.

Anderson Cooper Holds Back Tears In Emotional Tribute To His Late Mother, Gloria Vanderbilt

Anderson closed his show with a moving tribute to his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, on his first “Anderson Cooper 360” following her death on Monday. Hear what Anderson had to say.