Entries by Kate Riley

End-of-Life Planning is more urgent now than ever!

I urge everyone to read the following article. It’s great advice! Stats reveal: Some 63% of adults in the U.S. – have not made formal plans for what they would want their critical care and, if it comes to it, their deaths, to look like. We are living in the time of COVID. Pay attention! […]

Ventilators in the time of COVID-19

You Need a Ventilator My father was on a ventilator (2007), and against his will. He ended up having a tracheostomy, something he would never have wanted. I do want to make a comment about something in this article — about not being able to speak (yes), but in the case of my father, he […]

Green Burial

A good reminder, we do have other options! The Emotional Wallop of My Friend’s Green Burial

I’m back!

Greetings! Wow, I left Spain a week ago today. The hills in northern Spain were green and alive. The Spanish people alive, passionate. I formed new friendships, people from around the world. My Camino was done in the rain, which I learned to love. I scattered ashes at the end of the world — Finisterre. […]

Surgery for Blocked Arteries Is Often Unwarranted, Researchers Find

NY Times (November 16, 2019) article. I highly recommend taking a close look at your options, should the need arise. The “typical” intervention may not be the one for you. Investigate before making any decisions. This is your HEART! https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/16/health/heart-disease-stents-bypass.html

Undecided about what to do with your body after you die?

This article explains the difference between two common choices. However, there are more. Stay tuned for updates. Check out my Resource page. Also, please feel free to email me should you have questions or need immediate assistance. htmhttps://www.agingcare.com/articles/5-essential-differences-between-a-burial-and-a-cremation-service-186624.htm

Estrangement in any family can be challenging. But why grandparents?

I witnessed firsthand a situation where a grandmother was refused further engagement with her young grandchildren. Their mother made the decision based on an unresolved conflict that had nothing whatsoever to do with her children. It is complex, and I must ask: Who are the ones affected the most? Maintaining A Relationship With Grandkids Amid […]

Living in the Mystery after a cancer diagnosis.

The following is a story I wrote, as a tribute to my mother, Vee. It was immediately following her cancer diagnosis and was published in The Sun, a weekly paper here in the Wood River Valley. I know people now who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis and feel compelled to post it. May you […]

A Tribute to Vee!

September 7, 2019 Five years ago, Vee’s soul soared out of here like a shooting star. That was precisely her wish. For those of you who didn’t know Vee, she was my mother. As she neared the end, we planned. All went relatively well, considering. After she was gone, I bathed and anointed her body, […]